Are you feeling lucky? Impress your guests by turning your house or venue into a casino that rivals the Las Vegas strip. We’ve created the ultimate guide to hosting Vegas themed parties, fundraisers and events in Anne Arundel County . Are your kids too young for poker? Scroll to the bottom to see simple card games that are easy for kids.
Easy Card Games That Kids Love
Card games are educational for kids. They encourages children to develop specific skills, such as memory, strategic thinking and math. While poker and blackjack might be beyond their grasp, there many easy games that kids will absolutely love.Beginner: Children as young as five or six can play some of the more simpler games, especially if they are good at counting and matching. War, Go Fish are three simple games that utilize these skills. War will challenge kids to determine which card features the higher number, while Go Fish will test their memory and matching skills.
Intermediate: So your kids are still too young to sit at the poker table, but they’re a little too old for Old Maid. Rummy is a great game to teach children ages 7-9. Players have to create a hand of cards of the same rank (example: all Queens) or sequential cards in the same suit (example: 3, 4, 5, 6 of spades). Other popular games at this skill level include Ace Deucey and Uno.
Advanced: Spoons, Spit, Speed and Slaps sounds like a tongue-twister, but they are actually all fun, fast-paced games that elementary- and middle school-age kids absolutely love. For spoons, each player must create a hand with four of a kind before grabbing the spoon in the middle. Spit and speed both require players to discard their hands as quickly as possible into a series of discarded card piles, in order to claim the smaller pile first. Slaps, also called Slapjack, is the opposite: players discard their cards into a central pile, and whenever a Jack is revealed, players race to slap the pile. They player holding all of the cards at the end of the game wins.
These card games are sure to induce childhood nostalia in anyone who has ever spend hours playing with siblings and friends on long car trips or rainy days.
Mom and dad, meanwhile, can test their luck at poker and roulette the next time they attend a casino night.
Thinking of hosting your own themed party?
KidsParties.Party connects you with entertainment services in Anne Arundel County that will help you plan every aspect of your event.
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